Donate — Take the Next Step

Is this a GIFT? GO HERE > it's faster and easier.

Are you making this donation as a MEMORIAL or in honor of someone? THIS FORM > will help us gather all the information we need to carefully and properly acknowledge your gift.

We will not share your information with any other organization or individual. View our DONOR PRIVACY POLICY >

If you choose to make a monthy or quarterly recurring donation, you can change or update your giving plan at any time HERE >

We're efficient

93% of our donations go directly to the work and programs of the Next Step. Only 4% of our donations are spent on Marketing and Fundraising and 3% support General and Administrative Costs.


We're effective

and passionate about using your money wisely and delivering the maximum benefit to our neighbors in need...not to salaries or expenses. See how in our ANNUAL REPORT >

We accomplish this amazing feat of multiplication with you - our dedicated volunteers and donors.

Click to see our Guidestar rating and report

Click to see our Guidestar rating and report

and, we got a gold star!

Take the Next Step has earned Guidestar's highest rating for non-profit reporting and transparency.



when you shop!

Link your shopping accounts by clicking below and the Next Step receives a donation!

Here’s how your donation impacts our community…


Buys a gas card or bus pass so our clients can go to job interviews and medical appointments.


Provides a grocery bag of emergency food for our neighbors in need


Helps pay a utility bill so a family can stay in their home


Keeps our Resource Center open for an entire day


Wow! Thank you!
You'll be a Sustaining Partner for 2022.

We will not share your information with any other organization or individual. View our DONOR PRIVACY POLICY >

Your donations are tax deductible.
Take the Next Step is a 501(c)(3) organization, registered in the State of Washington and authorized by the IRS (No. 20-3291700).